Saturday, February 18, 2017

About me writing

I have been writing about my very unconventional life for quite a long time. I have done a lot of writing and I should have a book completed by now. I have several started but none of them is finished.

I do so admire people who can write books. I think they must have so much discipline and dedication. To me it's really hard to write about myself. So I don't really understand how people can do autobiographies themselves. I understand how famous people do it because they have ghostwriters. But what about other people who really write their autobiographies.

Anyway I think fiction must be easier. Maybe if you're trained to be a writer and get a Masters degree in Fine Arts you know the technique of fictionalizing your own story. Maybe that's what I need to do. Maybe Stephen King has told many of his own stories in a quite scary way. I'm sure he has told us a lot about himself in them. He has told us what he's afraid of.

Maybe getting out all your negative and scary thoughts onto paper or into a word processor is somehow liberating. But I would think you would still have nightmares. I'm just now getting to some of Stephen King's scarier books and I have to say that some nights I have nightmares about sections of them. I think the uncertainty gives me the nightmares more than anything else. I wonder how he is going to weave this tale and where it's going to go. That keeps me reading. Curiosity keeps me going. But his stories are interesting and he writes them in a fascinating way.

They say he writes great dialogue – and he does. But he didn't have to dictate. He may dictate at times and then have it wordprocessed, so he can proof it. But I would not want someone else in my story. I also wonder how many people read his work as he's writing. Or maybe he waits until he's finished to let them read it.

Anyway, back to my writing. I don't know what I want this blog to be. I started one here in 2005 and I was trying to make day-to-day life in a nursing home funny. I realized on some days that was very difficult to do.

I also was concerned about not having an editor to look at what I was writing. I figured anger would come out and it might turn some people off. I don't want to be judgmental about things but when your life is limited by circumstances you can't help but second-guess just about everything.

I wrote this saga of my power chair hoping that it would help someone. I left out names of the vendors and manufacturers on purpose. I don't know if it would  be helpful or hurtful to know that information. I also do not want to get sued.

Despite all the other things nursing homes do and are, I have stayed alive living in them for almost 21 years. I guess that says something about nursing homes and my ability to advocate for myself.

I hope you will come and read along and enjoy the adventures that I put here.

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