Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Joystick needs to be UP one half an inch

So after Jason (manufacturer's rep) worked so hard to get the old joystick bracket off and the new one on, I finally got a lower joystick. It made me feel much more confident. The problem was it was not in the same position as the one on my last power chair.

But I was pleased I was not running into things. It also seemed like I had more control. But my wrist and arm were starting to ache a little. I had gotten very used to having my arm sitting up high on the new joystick. Now my wrist was hanging down like it used to – again.

In order to figure out how I was doing running the chair,, I actually already had an outing planned. I had to go be fitted for new leg braces that go inside my shoes. It has probably been 14 or 15 years since I got new braces.

I digress to tell that story.


For years no orthotist (person who makes braces) has suggested I could get new braces through Medicare. My need for braces was pretty much the same as it was when my old ones were prescribed. But, before the last ones were prescribed. I had surgery. I have had no surgery since. Each year I just got new Velcro strapping and new hardware (rivets and fasteners) put on my braces.

Then last September a rivet broke in my brace for my right leg. I called the orthotist, explained that I was going out, and asked if I could drop the brace for him to fix, and pick it up later. He agreed and my friend Mike dropped it off. When we returned later he told me the old brace was worn out and that I needed new ones. I told him I have heard over the years that Medicare would not pay for new braces unless I could walk 10 feet. He said I just needed a prescription from doctor and I could get new braces every five years. I told him I would get back with him.

On my doctor's next visit I asked him if I could get a prescription for new braces. He said he would call the orthotist. He did and the prescription was written. On November 11, 2016 I went to the orthotist and was measured for new braces. I was told it would be into December before they would be ready.

I made an appointment on December 7, 2016 and decided I would have my friend Mike take me. I was able to book him early and we were ready for that excursion.


Coming back to the original story:

Mike and I were on our way get my new braces fitted. I did not know if I was ready to go anywhere using the new power chair in another different way. But I had no choice I had to do it.

We went to the appointment first. It was cold that day. I had to get Mike to run the chair a bit for me because I was freezing and my left hand was so cold. It was windy in the little complex where the orthotist's office was. We were probably there almost an hour and I had my new braces on. I was told to wear them two hours and take them off. I told the orthotist that would not happen. I said I would have to wear them all day.

Mike and I headed out to Walmart so I could shop and roll around to see how I would do. I was getting frustrated because I had to drop my arm to use the joystick. The armrest was not high enough to allow gravity to drop my arm quickly. I had to have Mike constantly reposition my hand so I could reach the joystick. I suppose my tendons shortened up using the joystick the new way – for so many months.

The day was a bit frustrating. But it still was not as bad as having my hand sitting on the joystick.

Mike told me the joystick needed to be raised about one half an inch. I so wish there had been an easy way that Mike could have done it.

Instead, I came back and let the regional ombudsman know what was going on. I told her I just did not know exactly where to have joystick placed lower. I explained that using it a few days showed me it was too low.

She told me she would contact Nan, the therapy manager. We never discussed how any adjustments would be done. I thought maybe Jason (manufacturer's rep) would have to return.

In the meantime, I waited.

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