Wednesday, July 5, 2017

What to wear

Wondering what to wear always seems so lame. Why should I worry about what I wear? I'm a woman in a wheelchair and I have to wear certain clothing that is comfortable and that allows some ease of movement. But the problem is, just because I'm disabled, does not mean I do not care about looking good. So, I like to look as well turned out as I can, under the circumstances.

But alas, I cannot spend any time myself standing at the closet looking for something to wear. I have to almost memorize what's in there and then mentally mix-and-match clothing items. I guess I should just do the easy thing and have somebody make a video every week of my closet. Then I could go through it on my desktop or laptop and pick things out. Oh, that's really so stupid, I don't think I'd ever do that.

So, anyway I asked my dayshift aide if she would find what I wanted to wear in the closet. She said yes. But, she said we would have to do it later. Things with me always have to happen later after important things like getting to breakfast, getting set up at the computer, and getting to lunch. Unfortunately, we never got to picking out what I wanted to wear.

I remembered that detail halfway through the afternoon and it made me sad. Making choices is important. Even mental choices are better than no choices. So I have gone through what I can remember and have made up three different outfits in my head.

The weather will be in the low 80s, most likely. So I need something that is thin, comfortable and in a pleasing color. I would even like to wear something patriotic. I seldom do that. That's because I don't usually get to go anywhere on patriotic holidays. The shirt I wore on July 4 (yesterday) is the one I got for a trip to a family reunion in 2012. That means that shirt is five years old. One of the aides was looking to see if I wore on the morning of July 4, and was not disappointed. I guess you could say it's an "oldie but a goodie".

Maybe there's no room at the age of 68 to be concerned about how well you look. After all, I have let my hair get whatever color it happens to be. Yes, I've given up haircolor. I can't really say that I miss it much. I do miss being a blonde. But when my dark roots grew in, I was not a blonde for long.

I will never match my sister sleekness. Or the fact that she can wear designer, or Target. Or the fact that nothing that I wear could ever be considered, "the new black".

But, in my way, I have my own sense of style. Keeping up with it is important. I guess you could say it is a minimalist style. I have minimal jewelry, minimal outfit choices, and minimal shoe choices. I do however try to be edgy in my own way.

I'm an older lady hear me roar.

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