Saturday, June 17, 2017

Missing my desktop PC's brain

It's been over a week since the desktop went to the shop. I thought it might be back by now or at least it would be coming back at the beginning of the week. I did get a call yesterday from the tech and he asked if I still wanted more new USBs besides the two in the new CPU case he got for my system. He asked me if I wanted a card reader. I told him I would take the card reader IF there were three USBs on the module. He said they were and I told him to put it in. I don't really understand why that was confusing. I thought I made it quite clear. He said since there were eight on the back of the CPU he thought that was sufficient.. But, I want at least five on the front because I'm used to them.

So I'm just waiting for my desktop to be fixed. It's funny, because it feels like I lost part of my brain. I had certain things on the desktop and they are not necessarily on my laptop. I'm at a loss because I cannot reorganize files that aren't on my laptop. I keep looking for things I cannot find. It's really strange. All my purchases, taxes, and most of my records are on the desktop.

I've learned from this experience that I have to fix it. Once I get the desktop back, I need to make sure that I put the files on an external hard drive so that I can access them from my laptop. I realize what a pain that is going to be. I think maybe I need to do some research to find out how to best do it. Otherwise, I will have parts of files. Or I will have to save things by date. It just sounds like a nightmare to me.

I don't really want to put all those files on Google drive because it could overwhelm it. I only have 15 GB there total. Perhaps I can finally try Microsoft One Drive since they were giving 100 GB free.

I like to read my old writings from ten years ago or farther back than that. It's funny to see what I wrote about. I enjoyed reading old journal entries which are not on my laptop.

The desktop is also much faster. I miss the card game Free Cell which is on my Windows 7 desktop. Windows 10 does not have a card game, unless you buy it.

I did find some good deals on external hard drives. I just don't know the best one to buy. But I have a Toshiba and would probably buy the same kind.

I look forward to the day I have my desktop back. Maybe in the meantime I need to clean up the files on my laptop.

Oh dear… I think I found a job for myself.

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