Friday, September 22, 2017

Can anything be done?

This morning I got my suppositories at 6:09 a.m. But, I wondered when I would get up. It was a different aide than I thought would be working.

The aides were complaining when they got me up and out of bed at almost 7 AM. Apparently, they were shortstaffed and they were upset about it. I listened with interest and had no idea what I was supposed to say.

About twenty minutes later, or so, I was finished. My aide washed me up but she has difficulty doing it. I decided I would start offering to sit outside the dining room because it might be easier that way. The bathroom is very small.

The aides here seem to have a hard time washing me in the shower chair especially in intimate areas. They need to learn how to do it.

After I was washed up, she put lotion on me in spots, and got me dressed. She said she had to go to the dining room because they were shortstaffed. An aide who is almost eight months pregnant and having difficulties, did not show up today. I didn't think she was scheduled but I was told she was. I would think she could feed, pass ice, answer call lights, make beds, and do other small things. But maybe she isn't even up to doing that. It's a shame because they could use aides who can feed.

I had the aide put The Today Show on. I had difficulty seeing the TV screen to figure out the time. I think it was only about 8:10 a.m. when she left. She was not back by 9 AM and my left hip was hurting really badly.

I asked into the nursery monitor if anyone was coming. Nobody answered. I kept calling for the nurse and eventually the occupational therapist asked me what I wanted. I asked if she would slip a towel under my left thigh to keep it from hurting. She did and said she would tell them I needed breakfast.

Fifteen minutes passed, and no Jews do showed up. I again called for the nurse. I was very thirsty and I needed something to eat. It was more then an hour past when I usually eat.

Then, my nurse, Brandi showed up and told me to calm down and stop yelling. I told her I could not just sit there with nothing to do and be uncomfortable. I told her I'd been on the shower chair for two hours and that the aide was not in here much of that time. She promised me I would be fed. I said I wanted just a piece of toast and something to drink because I was thirsty. She wanted me to take my meds. I told her I would not because I was not anxious because I needed medicine. I was anxious because I needed attention.

At almost 9:30 a.m. my aide showed up. She brought me a piece of toast,  milk, water, Cheerios, and no juice or tea. I asked If I could have some juice. She went and got me juice and two cups of tea. I told her I would only drink one cup of tea, and eat the piece of toast. I ate as fast as I could.

My aide wanted to put me in the bathroom. She said she needed to take care of the new admit who had arrived that morning. That's what was probably taking all the time. She also told me she was leaving at 10 AM. I have the feeling she didn't care about finishing my care.

When I was finished in the bathroom, a different aide, who just arrived, came in and answered my call light.

But, I continued all day to play the "let's catch an aide" game to try to get what I wanted.

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