Tuesday, May 30, 2017

My sister arrives and summer clothing appears

I've been trying to get my lighter weight clothing into my closet since the third week of April. Housekeeping has just not gotten to it. First, I got a new roommate and my things which had wandered to the other side of the room had to be reorganized. After that was accomplished, housekeeping suddenly had no more time for sorting

The weather has gradually gotten warmer. I had about three T-shirts already in the closet and I made do. But I kept waiting for housekeeping to help me get my lighter clothing into my closet.

I was concerned because some thinner, brand-new clothing that had been in the room could not be found. I knew one of the housekeepers moved it. And I wondered where it was put.

I emailed the nurse manager last night saying I desperately needed lighter weight clothing. I offered that my sister and I today (during her visit) would take heavy things out of my closet. I also said we would reorganize clothing stored in space bags by my closet. I thought I could maybe make a deal. We would do some and maybe they could do some.

It's amazing that a housekeeper was in my room before 10 AM this morning with my every day lighter weight clothing. She wanted to wash it all. I told her that was not necessary and that if it was wrinkled she could throw it in the dryer with a couple of wet washcloths and it would come out wrinkle free. I told her to do what she wanted, but that I did not expect her to do extra work.

My sister reorganized the clothing by the closet. It was divided into three different categories and put in different space bags – which are labeled.

While we were working on that, someone found the shipping package with my pants and top in it. My sister laid that clothing in my closet, all housekeeping has to do is put it on hangers.

We also went through two other totes and got rid of DVDs/VHS tapes that have accumulated over time. I had them at another nursing home. I kept them for entertainment. But now with Netflix streaming, Amazon Prime, and YouTube, I no longer need them.. I am donating them to the nursing home for the residents to watch.

We went through another tote and got rid of a lot of miscellaneous grippy material that I use in everyday life. I use it to hold things where I put them and to steady pillows for propping my arms etc.

Some various size clothing was donated to the nursing home for the other female residents.

I even got rid of a pair of shoes that I thought I threw away last fall.

It can be difficult for me (as a nursing home resident) to throw clothing and shoes away. If housekeeping finds it, they usually bring it back thinking I have made a mistake. Though I understand the reasoning, trying to keep everything, or expecting my sister to throw my things away, will cause my room to look more like a hoarder's.

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