Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Moving day

It's hard moving out of a nursing home after involuntary discharge. I know, because I have done it twice. The first time was devastating. And in the deal I lost the private room I had for almost 15 years.

But this time, I lost a home and friends that I had gotten used to. It's probably not where I would rather have been.  But I got comfortable with it. The big problem was in the last four years I seldom get out of the facility with friends or family, or others. That was the game changer. That made living at that nursing home more difficult for me.

I never was really outdoorsy but I enjoyed being outdoors and liked to get sun in the summertime. When I was younger I always had a tan, and enjoyed laying out. But living at this most recent nursing home, made it difficult to get out into the sun regularly., The last time I got a suntan was three years ago. I know sunshine improves my mood.

The facility was also locked. Many of the residents had behavior problems and some would be incarcerated if it wasn't for their health issues. So it was a learning experience, I learned to appreciate others in a different way. But I also learned a type of fear I had never felt except inside that nursing home.

Today was a production. But the nursing home folks got me going and on the road to my destination early. The staff ALL OF THEM worked hard. The irony was that nursing home stored things in their basement, I asked them to throw away. They brought ALL OF IT with my necessary things today. I gave a few things to the staff who helped, someone to a thrift shop, and some was thrown out.

I got rid of lot things that were packed without me sorting first. I am, in earnest, learning to downsize my life. It's hard for me because I cannot look in cabinets by myself to see what I have. But I'm reforming and in the future will strive to purchase less and live with less.

Today I wheeled around this nursing home most of the day. My sister ordered in pizza and ate at a table in the large sitting room upfront. It was really nice to be in a quiet environment. That's what I was striving for at the other nursing home. But, the residents there were usually noisy.

It's nighttime and my usual bedtime. But, because I'm new, and night shift aides arrive at 10 p.m.

I wonder if it will be hard to wake up in a strange place.

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