Monday, August 7, 2017

Planning my defense

Sometimes I wonder how I can prepare the best defense. Involuntary discharge is never a good thing. No one wants to have "eviction" on the record. I would like to have that expunged at any cost. But can I?

I wonder what incidents the facility will bring up to say that I am endangering other residents. They say I tried to hurt people with my power chair. That is really strange for someone who has been hurt several times by this new power chair and a few times by older ones.

I won't say that power chairs aren't dangerous, they are. But this one has been particularly so.

So far, I have found two incidents where I lost control of my power chair temporarily. It was not my fault. The joystick was not where I could reach it properly. One time the left arm rest had been upended a bit by the Hoyer lift. The second time I think I was tired or overwrought after a tense meeting about care issues. I also had just started a higher dosage of an antidepressant. I know that they can cause dizziness and lightheadedness – which could have been a contributing factor in a navigational error on my part.

But, realistically I know that I cannot fight the nursing home's he said to my she said. I can say what I thought happened and what I did. Beyond that it's the administrative law judge's responsibility to make the determination.

None of us has the wisdom of Solomon. None of us knows who exactly is telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We all will think we are telling a version of the truth.

Am I too flamboyant with my chair? I don't think so. I have pushed things with it like furniture, chairs, my bed. I have accidentally rolled over people's feet. They have also bumped me with the chair and run over my feet with it accidentally. I guess if I want to doubt that I could. But I don't really want to. I believe them.

I don't how this thing will come out. I have to pray for Solomon's wisdom in order to figure out my best defense of me.

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