Sunday, November 5, 2017

A thunderstorm and tornado warning up close and personal

Earlier today we had a tornado warning. It's November and that usually doesn't happen., But, if you don't like the weather in Ohio, just wait, and it will change.

So they've been kind of watching us all day expecting some type of windy conditions and possibly a tornado.

The barometer is really low for this time of year unless it's snowing. And we would be having one whale of a blizzard if it was cold enough.

I was sitting here on my laptop and they came through and shut all the doors. The blinds have been closed since mid day because of a tornado warning.

The power went out and came back on. Hallelujah! Then, an aide came in to throw blankets over me to protect me from the glass from the windows. But I told the aide I can't put anything over my face because I can't stand it. I told her father my breathing, and she left.

All residents are in their rooms. No one is allowed in the hallway. My roomie is going nuts because she can't get out there and see the action.

I'm used to these tornadoes because I was born in southeastern Ohio where they are quite prevalent, warnings that is, not always tornadoes, in the summertime. I've been in the basement during a tornado warning. I've been in the car driving under a "not quite touched down tornado cloud" on I70. I also saw a tornado touch down as we were driving north on Rt. 33 going to Columbus. We arrived at the mall and had to sit down. We asked if we could shop and they told us we could. So we did. There was hardly anybody in the store. The employees walked with us with a flashlight. The storm passed and we made it home okay only to find a tornado warning and no power at our house. But, no tornado got us that night.

I saw online that the storms are expected here for the next couple of hours. But, the worst of it was about twenty minutes ago. According to radar the storm should be moving through at about forty-five miles an hour.

I'm so glad either they have a big enough generator to keep everything running, or the power came back on.

Since all the resident room doors were closed for two hours, it was very quiet in here.

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