Monday, November 20, 2017

Call off caused me to have a late snack

I'm really getting so tired of eating my snack late because there are not enough aides working. We had one call off today. She still in her probationary period. Another recently hired aide who started about two to three weeks ago disappeared. She apparently was fired or quit after calling off.

I know some of these aides probably had their applications in at several nursing homes. They probably wanted a job somewhere and took the first job at the facility that called them back. But, when a new hire works a while and then quits, it really leaves a hole in the schedule.

This evening two aides are struggling to do the work of three. I have no idea when they'll get time to feed me my snack, I eat it instead of the higher calorie supper.. I don't like to eat too close to bedtime.

I wish now I had brought up getting my snacks late at my care conference. Although, it was on my notes in front of me, I said nothing about it. However, the administrator sat beside me and I'm pretty sure he read what was on that printed piece of paper.

I just don't understand why they didn't ask me if I could eat earlier. And the 6 AM to 6 PM aide was here. She could so easily have fed me if she stayed over a few minutes. But, maybe management wouldn't authorize it.

This facility pays higher wages than my previous facility. I guess they don't want aides staying over after their shift ends. Although, a few aides work multiple days in a row.

I know what happened. This is the day off for the weekend aides that work during the week. Maybe they could consider giving days off on Tuesdays or Wednesdays.

They really need an aide on standby. But, I have no idea how that would work. I think someone could work as a fill in here, and work every day of the week.


Ironically, my aide came a little after 7 PM and offered to feed me snack. But, since I'd been worried about it, and had a bellyache. I only ate about six or eight pretzel crisps. My aide looked so tired. I felt so sorry for her. But, at least she tried.

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