Wednesday, November 1, 2017

A care conference canceled

I was dreading a care conference yesterday. So, when the regional ombudsman canceled because of the personal emergency this morning by email, I was kind of relieved.

The ombudsman told me I could go ahead and have the care conference. But since no one else was attending with me, or calling in, I decided to cancel it.

I emailed a friend and she offered to attend with me if the conference could be scheduled on a Monday Wednesday, or Friday when she could attend.

I don't think I should try to schedule another care conference, without the ombudsman present, without any input. I emailed my sister but I think she feels the ombudsman should be here for it.. I think it'd be fine if my friend who offered to attend called in instead for a 2 PM meeting. I hate to have to ask anyone to be here at 2 PM. I much prefer to have them in the mornings or in the early afternoon.

I'm getting the feeling that this place isn't happy that there wasn't a care conference. The director of nursing came down today and told me she never heard from the ombudsman and asked me what happened. I said I got email yesterday morning saying the ombudsman had a personal emergency and that she could not come. The ombudsman said I could contact her supervisor. Instead, I emailed back that I was canceling the care conference. Obviously, the ombudsman didn't call here. text.

The DON (director of nursing) came down this afternoon and told me that because I said I hurt when I get up in the morning, I have to use the Hoyer. I begged her not to put me back on the Hoyer. I told her I spent three months at Harding trying to get off the Hoyer. I told her my bowels wouldn't move, I wasn't straight in any chair and I never got to stand.

It's not really my fault that they can't transfer me the way the aides did (using three aides) at a previous facility. I'm not used to doing all my transfers with just two aides. I haven't done that since 2010. .

It feels like everything's all up in the air again. I told the DON that this facility probably wants to get rid of me also. I told her nobody wants me. And I don't know what I'm supposed to do.

I told the director of nursing I just wanted to have some type of life like everyone does.

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