Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Different, softer earplugs

A little over a month ago I developed a blister in my left ear from wearing smooth plastic earplugs. One of the aides here had recommended them to me, and I ordered some. They were larger, and stiffer, but they also didn't allow much noise to get to my eardrum.

Unfortunately, some aides pushed the earplugs in my ears differently. They pushed them up against the cartilage on the inside of my ear. That's how a blister came out of the blue.

I switched back to using memory foam earplugs, in my left ear, which I've used for years, but, the blister's not gone. But, it healed and the scab fell off. But one small spot stays sore.

I thought about getting a noise canceling headset. But I couldn't find any that cost less than $100. I knew the $100 headset would probably work,, but I didn't want to pay that much. Staff here told me the inexpensive noise canceling headsets for shooting can be bought for $10 at Walmart. But I couldn't find them online.

I thought if I could trade off and use the noise canceling headset, to give my ears a rest from the earplugs, the blister might heal. But since I could not go look find an inexpensive noise canceling headset. I kind of gave up on that idea.

A few days ago I found an article about the ten best earplugs for sleeping. In it, I saw the pair of earplugs I had one time considered buying, were on that top ten list.

I checked to see they were available on eBay in a small quantity. When I found them, I ordered them.

My aide put them in my ears last night. I was amazed how well they blocked sound. I was able to sleep all night without anything waking me.

Today, my nurse checked my left ear blister, and said it looks much better and drier.

I'm hoping these earplugs will keep doing a good job, and that my ear blister will continue to heal.

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