Thursday, December 7, 2017

Dealing with writer's block

I seldom suffer from writers block. But for the last week or so, I've definitely had it.

Sometimes it's hard to write when you schedule time to do it. Many times I get inspired, or find an idea right before lunch. Then I madly write it down so I won't forget it. I know it probably confounds the facility aides because I always want to protect the ideas I'm writing about. So I always ask their patience to allow me to save my random thoughts.

Lately my writing schedule has been all messed up. In order to do all my things, and succeed, at writing, I have to know I have enough time to write.

But I also know that my brain will work very hard to keep me from writing. When my brain wants to have fun, I have to let it, and still find the balance to write.

Not being able to be at my desktop computer does not allow me to be disciplined. So I'm struggling to write on my laptop. I bought the laptop to write a book and to entertain myself without watching TV. So, I see the laptop as a fun thing, not a get something done thing.

Nevertheless, last night I made myself write first drafts of three different articles that appeared in my head. They are not for this blog, but they are important and I need to finish them.

It isn't at all easy writing about what's going on in my life. Sometimes they aren't happy events. When my life involves conflict between myself and my caregivers, I am doubly concerned about giving it the correct twist.

But, over the years I've learned I find solace and peace when I write.

When writing involves me, it spins me into a spell and I lose touch with what in my life is not working the way I want. Instead I'm off on a journey to work my thoughts into understandable prose.

During that process nothing can bother me, or make me feel less than what I am, a writer.

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