Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Waiting for mostly everything, all day

Every morning I have to steel myself to get through either a shower, or a washup without fritzing out. No two aides here do my a.m. washup the same.

This morning I was allowed to get up using the Hoyer. I was washed up quickly, dressed, and went to the dining room for breakfast.

After breakfast I rode around killing time until the aides had time to help me get Hoyered to the shower chair to use the toilet again.

Afterwards I was sent on my way until my aide had time to finish my a.m. care, which might've taken ten minutes.

I wasn't feeling very well. I stopped Zoloft (antidepressant), on Sunday, and I'm sure I'm experiencing some withdrawal symptoms.

I became very hot and nauseated. Then, after my teeth were brushed and my a.m. care was completed, I got more nauseated.

When I asked my aide if I could lie down, she said it was lunch time, and there was no time.

I took a Tylenol and some antacid and hoped I would feel better. I managed to eat some lunch.

Afterwards I was promised that I would get to lie down. But it didn't happen. My aide said she had to get all her work done first. Before that, she said, I'd have to wait until ALL THE OTHER residents were laid down.

I felt as if I was rolling around in the middle of a nightmare, where no one could see me, or could understand what I wanted.

By the end of day shift at 2 PM, I was quite frustrated and still not feeling well.

I looked for the Hoyer lift and didn't see it. When I asked to lie down, I was told the Hoyer was being checked out by the maintenance man. When I asked how long that'd take, I didn't get an answer.

Not long after, I heard the larger Hoyer was out of service until parts came in. It was last down the beginning of November.

I asked the director of nursing if I could be assisted to stand to transfer into bed. She didn't really answer me. But a tear fell from her eye when I made the request.

Frustrated and upset, I yelled for help. I said I desperately needed to go to the bathroom, since I hadn't gone in four hours.

I was upset and crying in my room when two aides came in and stood me and transferred me to my shower chair and to the bathroom. After that, two aides helped me stand and transferred me bro into bed.

I'm in bed and worse for wear today. I'm wondering how the facility will get along with just one lift for the next few days.

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