Sunday, October 15, 2017

The same breakfast every day

At my previous facility, I got cereal and a piece of toast every day breakfast. But I also got surprises from dietary. They knew there were some things I didn't like. But, on some days, it seemed like they didn't care.

Now that I'm at this facility, for the first couple of weeks I got what dietary gave me. Sometimes it was scrambled eggs and toast. Then, my aide had to run back to dietary to get me toast and cereal. It takes dietary a while to learn a new residents' food likes and dislikes.

I've had so many days of a dry piece of toast with peanut butter and a bowl of Cheerios that I was getting kind of tired of them. One Wednesday, a couple of weeks ago, I decided I wanted eggs for breakfast. They were scrambled and they weren't bad,  but just a bit cold because I had to wait for someone to feed me.

There's been a couple of occasions on weekends where I've asked for scrambled eggs because others had them and they looked good. However, I try to stay away from them. I only want to eat them three days a week.

This morning they had toaster/round waffles for breakfast. They weren't brown and to me they looked like they wouldn't taste very good. But I knew many residents have difficulty chewing and swallowing, and they couldn't eat them toasted.

I've been told I can ask, within a range, for what I want for breakfast. For instance, if I want an egg sandwich, I can ask for a broken yolk, fried egg.. I wonder how that would taste. I haven't had a fried egg since I left my previous facility over seven years ago.

But I've learned to adapt to the institutional eggs blended, baked in a pan,  and cut in squares at my second facility. They looked strange at first, but, I got used to them.

I appreciate the fact that that I can get toast with peanut butter and Cheerios for breakfast.

The one thing I'd like it is for this facility to offer bran flakes.. That way there'd be another cereal available that I like.

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